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Learn to love yourself… this Valentine’s season

Do you find it far easier to give time and energy to others, than you do to investing in yourself?

As corny as it may sound, learning to love yourself IS the key to health and happiness.  Yet why do you and I resist it so?

Yep, it is a proven scientific fact: smiling increases serotonin levels and laughing helps endorphins swim around your system, soothing your nervous tension and, as you relax.  So why not give yourself a hug every day for a week and feel the benefits as you smile from the inside out:

So here are 5 tips to learn to love yourself, more easily, this Valentine’s season:

1*  Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you:

– speak to yourself kindly, especially when things don’t go to plan or when you make those very “human” errors that can make us feel so stupid at the time

– appreciate yourself for all of the good goings you do on a daily basis, for others and the world around you

– set realistic targets – in both work and home life –  and be kind to yourself whether you reach them… or not.

2* Be kind to yourself: – listen to your body and if you feel to tired to complete a task or have a conversation – choose to rest and rejuvenate your system.

3* Make regular you-dates: – choose somewhere beautiful, for lunch, a tea, a walk in nature, a museum with inspiring art and design, whatever fills you up with good energy ( and ideally helps you feel indulged, treated and boosts your inner-smile )

4* Re-treat yourself for a few minutes each day: – take a 10 minute “disconnection” break, without iPhone, emails, tweets or pings.  Just Stop! And out on some relaxing music – take some time to just be.

5* Book yourself into a yoga class, for a massage or for a day in the spa:- give yourself the gift of healing hands, our body does crave touch to release and let go, you deserve to feel nourished and cared for.

And most of all…. En joy what you do this Valentine’s season.

Make choices that make you happy.  Choose pleasure rather than pressure.   And do include dark chocolate, as it is also proven by our team’s smiles that a bite of what tastes that good is also great for your happiness and spreads the good loving feelings.


Join our Get Glowing Retreat to learn empowering and heart-opening techniques!