Tag Archive for: Watermelon juices

Soothe the system with watermelon smoothies

Watermelon & fresh mint – with a twist of lime. Ibiza is an abundant island – full of goodness and some island secrets too. Right now it’s watermelon season – the “sandia” can be found for a really fair price at any fruit and veg stall you come across. Just make sure you are careful when you carry it as they are super heavy! So mother nature has ensured that watermelon’s grow here for a reason… and here’s why:

* Juicy watermelon is the ultimate summer beauty food, since it carries antioxidants like lycopene which helps skin cope with too much sun exposure.

* Watermelon also hydrates with electrolytes, thereby keeping us dewy and glowing.

* Fresh mint has cooling properties while aiding digestion.

* Lime has more vitamin C than an orange.

How to make it: watermelon, ice and a dash of water or so, for extra roughage keep the pips in, add fresh lime and mint for extra vitamin c lift and cooling mint for the mouth and nervous system.

Tip: Freeze the watermelon first for an icy touch to your smoothie.

Sip throughout the afternoon: or as a healthy precursor to your evening out.  Great as a lunch alternative or early evening sugar-lifter (yep they are pretty naturally sweet!)

Enjoy! x