Yoga Teacher Training with Nora Belton Sept & Oct 2012
Spirit Body Yoga – Yoga Alliance 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training 3 weeks: Sept 25th – Oct 1st and Oct 10th – Oct 25th, 2012 Santa Eulalia, Ibiza countryside at “Saraswati Space” . Led by Nora Belton and co-taught by Kirana Stover, Director of Integral Yoga Barcelona, embrace the concept of service, develop the confidence to teach with safety, from the heart, with joy and expertise. Contact us for details
Nora believes if you are considering becoming a Yoga Teacher, it is worthwhile to look at the concept of service.
“The whole foundation of teaching is service, or as it is called in Yoga communities, “KARMA YOGA.” Teaching is how I serve others. I am fulfilled through service, because I feel it is my purpose and my calling. The TTC is designed to root you, the Yogi, in the practice and achieve the confidence you need to transmit your knowledge and love of Yoga to others.
For me, Yoga is a way of life, a loving guide, and a loyal friend. I imagine that the roots of my Yoga practice go much deeper and the purpose is more far-reaching than I can conceive. Spirit Body Yoga Teacher Training aims to inspire you to find the right questions that help you evolve, and satisfy the needs of the Soul in being of service to others.
I consider Training Yoga Teachers to be both the pinnacle of my achievements and at the same time an obvious path that I somehow managed to avoid until I was mature enough to accept it. I love nothing more. There is a prayer we chant in Sanskrit at the beginning of Yoga sessions that goes like this: “May we, teacher and student, be nourished together. May we be protected together. May we work together and our work bear fruit. May our knowledge be transformed into light. May we never lose patience with each other. OM. Peace. Peace. Peace.”
Yoga Alliance 200 hr. TEACHER TRAINING
SIVANANDA STYLE with daily CHANTING & MEDITATION. This course is an intensive residential Yoga immersion. The format allows for lots of personal attention and TEACHING PRACTICE. It gives students the opportunity to disconnect from worldly distractions in order to go inside and explore their relationship to Yoga & to themselves. It is a shared experience offering the challenges and support of a PROFESSIONAL GROUP dedicated to a common goal: to imbibe and transmit the spirit of Yoga. With SPIRIT BODY YOGA YTTC you will learn to teach with confidence and safety.
Please contact us for the full prospectus!