Tag Archive for: Spring detox

Cultivate Spring energy: Detox your body & mind…

We emerge from winter – squinting at the brightness of the light, shaking the cold from our bones and slowly peeling off the layers…

The days begin to lengthen, you can feel that tiny hint of warmth in the sunshine and it’s time to spring clean! But not just any spring clean – this is a spring clean of the body and the mind! A gentle little ‘life detox’ to prepare and energise you for the summer months. So make it you best one yet. Here are hints and tips to spring clean your body and your mind ready for the new season!

The Body spring clean
* Plenty of ginger tea with lemon – and we mean mugs and mugs of the stuff to ward away any colds and boost your immune system in this time of seasonal change. And water, lots and lots of water to flush your system through and to hydrate and freshen you from the inside out.

* Daily dry-brush exfoliation – Helps to alleviate that dry winter skin and helps toxins to be flushed through the body with those circular and long sweeping strokes. Especially if you feel any heaviness or puffiness in the body. And this can be a work out in itself – 5 full minutes of this every morning as part of your routine before your shower will have you almost breaking a sweat!

* Contrast hot and cold showers – this one is for the brave, but there are so many benefits beyond the obvious of feeling energised and invigorated. They can help to lower the blood pressure, boost the central nervous system, stimulate hormone production, and are a natural pain relief. More? It’s said the sudden temperature change boosts the immune system and antioxidant function. And overall wellbeing is cultivated through improved blood circulation.

The Mind Spring Clean
* Make it a no technology day – We are all so ‘hooked’ to our TV’s, computers, iPads, iPods, iPhones, Blackberries blah blah. Take a day off from all of these devices to give your mind (and brain!) a rest. It’s interesting to note how you feel without these things in your life! After the initial panic and feeling of disconnection has subsided – you might even enjoy it!

* Make meditation a part of your daily ritual – If it already is, great! For those who are still cultivating a practise, ahem, try a 20-30 minute meditation. Just feel into your body and your breath. Stay to stay present with your body. Or attend a yoga class or do a long, leisurely and mindful self practise at home.

* Let go of the baggage – We all carry around a little baggage with us – but how about freeing yourself from past worries and hurts? Begin a diary of your feelings, regrets and emotions – so you can actually acknowledge them, accept them and then then feel able to move on and let them go. This is a practise – but writing these thoughts down and facing them can be a huge relief and can be a great way to detox them from inside you! They often seem much less important when you actually see them written down!