Tag Archive for: Love ibiza

Accumulate first… the treasures of the heart… for a Valentine’s week to remember!

“The treasures of the body and the treasures of the store-house (health, family, relationships, money) are important….  but the treasures to strive for…. are the treasures of the heart”

President Ikeda – SGI International – world peace movement

When we accumulate the treasures of the heart, the treasures of the body and the store-house come into our life automatically…

So this Valentine’s week take care to notice the treasures your heart wishes to accumulate, experience and receive.

Ask yourself: How do I want my heart to feel? Radiant? Glowing? Light and free? Open? Joyful? Childlike? Happy?

Make a list of your heart-treasures and notice how amazing this enables you to feel.

Literally, just by thinking about it and focussing on it and writing down. you are drawing in this energy and receiving it back from the Universe – it is the law of attraction in action.


* Believe you deserve this!

* Ensure you are affirming that you are allowing them into your life

* Practice feeling heart-opening, heart-warming, bubbling-over gratitude…. (you really can ham it up here!) so that you can activate the Universal law of attraction and attract even more treasures of the heart into your life.

May you enjoy great love this week and spread it far and wide.

May this love fill you with joy and inspire your journey in life.


With lots of love…. the Ibiza Retreats team….



Love is a wonderful thing! How do you make sure you feel love every day?

Love helps you glow with the radiance of an innocent child…. it helps you see the good and the beauty in the world… it lifts you up and it helps your heart sing.

Love is all you need!

And you have so much more to share and to give…. with and to the world around you!

Yet as long as we are depending on the love of another to feel love flowing through us… we are dependent.  This love can never be as consistent or permanent as we (and our egos) need it to be.

Love is a feeling, an emotion and a magical vibration.  When we are feeling love pulsing through us we emanate a submolecular level, a super-high frequency that attracts more loving experiences and people in to our lives.


So how do you get more of this delicious, nutritious love-fest into your life?

Focus on loving yourself – as well as others – this Valentines!

Have you noticed how wonderful you feel when you give of yourself self-lessly to others?

Keep doing this! By all means.  Yet for the purpose of giving yourself a love-injection that will uplift you into spring, for this February focus on loving yourself and appreciating your body, feeding your heart-felt needs and nourishing your spirit within.

1. Loving yourself & Appreciating your Body

Ahhhh the inner-critic.  How often do you actually look into the mirror and appreciate who and what you see before you.  We all know that most “perfect” images in magazines are photo-shopped – yet there is part of us that still buys into it.  So start to vitally appreciate yourself and your body – say thank you to your body for being strong and carrying you through life so well despite all the toxins we often subject it to.  Thank your body for everything that it does.  Focus on the parts that you love about your body, your curving hips, your finger-nails, your smile, your softness.

2. Feeding your heart-felt Needs

Have you made a vision board?  This is just slightly different…. ask yourself what do I NEED in my life to feel the happiest, most joyful, most contented I can be?   It may be to feel TRUST and LIGHTNESS and FREEDOM, it may be being in nature, swimming…  create a needs board – or simply write a list (like the below).  This will bring it to your attention – and where attention goes, energy flows.  You will naturally start caring more for your needs.

And this then runs on to…

3. Nourishing Your Spirit

Your spirit is like a 5 year old child, light and happy and free.  It is that part of you that, if it were socially permissable to do so, would be often dancing in the rain, laughing out loud in the middle of a packaged tube, would be singing at the top of your voice.  Your spirit loves expression, the care-free creative expression of you in your essence: the happy, healthy, vital core of you.

So how can you engage with this part of yourself?  Think about all the things that you simply LOVE to do! That fill your heart with joy – without any goals or achievement attached, where the joy is in the doing and experiencing:

* Painting
* Savouring a delicious cup of tea in bed first thing in the morning
* Listening to exquisite classical music
* Practising yoga in the sunshine first thing in the morning
* Running through fields of flowers as fast as I can

And then…….. focus on doing them – just for February! And notice how, in loving yourself, you attract more and more of this wonderful high vibration into your life….  and how you have so much more to share with your family, with your partner, with your loved ones around you.
