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Just Stop! And revive for summer-time

just stop

How is your year going? Are you feeling balanced, happy, inspired or do you feel tired of the day-to-day commute, over-worked and like you are carrying a heavy load that you would just love for someone else to take over?

Whether you are feeling critically burned out, or really need to release the stress, whenever there is any sense of overwhelm, even approaching, the most vital thing to do is to Just Stop! And rest.

Your kidneys are the pistons that keep your system firing and when they are tired or overwhelmed by processing too much adrenalin, they begin to lean on your liver, which is the no 1. Toxin synthesizer.

Stress creates toxins unfortunately. With too much adrenalin firing around your system, your adrenal glands become over-stimulated and can create a toxic hormone called nor-adrenalin. This ages your body and organs, it creates huge amounts of pressure on our already pressured mind.

And it wants sugar! And it wants more – the only way to stop this “gotta-keep-going-catch-22” is to catch yourself before you hit the decks, explode at your partner or boss or do something you regret. Take time out to breathe, step away from your desk, excuse yourself from the meeting even briefly and then create space for you in your diary asap – me-time where you can invest in a massage or healing treatment that will help to relax you in body and mind and flush out excess toxins. A day in a spa or exercise in nature; walking, horse-riding, cycling, where you can release the stress and breathe in clean, clear oxygen.

Or join us in Ibiza for a Just Stop! Retreat, as featured in the Sunday Times Travel last year as one of the best mind-body-release retreats. With daily yoga, breathwork and meditation to help you find your inner-peace, to support you in feeling stronger and clearer, with massage, life coaching, wellness and energy coaching and amazing Cranio-sacral therapy for deep nervous-system release.

For more information on this Just Stop Retreat take a look at our wellbeing calendar or ENQUIRE NOW