Tag Archive for: Inner beauty retreats

Walk in Beauty Womens Retreat

29.03 – 01.04 – Discover the Goddess, shaman and wise woman in you and celebrate your deep love for Mother Nature.  Zorah and Ilona inviting you to experience the beauty and tranquility of the magical Ibizan mountains in this women-only retreat.  Dance, sing, meditate; celebrating your passion and joy.  You will weave, through rituals, powerful medicine into your life.  390 € plus meals and accommodation.  During your stay in the exotic, eco-luxury of “Buddha House” retreat, high atop a mountain in the North of the island, you will also explore techniques that enable you to retain your beauty, stay fit in your body and learn delicious ways to enjoy a healthy diet.  A retreat in the arms of the Mother Nature herself.   Learn more about your hosts, Zorah and Ilona and this sacred, intimate retreat – or book your place.