Tag Archive for: Ilona Pantel Detox

Detox this Spring Equinox and feel a new sense of body-mind harmony

Spring has well and truly sprung so it’s the ideal time to spring clean your body with a detox to flush away winter and welcome back the summer with a spring in your step.

March 20th marks the spring equinox, traditionally a time to de-clutter and move into the new year positively in mind and body.

With all this great spring energy on our doorstep; almonds blossoming, flowers blooming, tap into the spring energy to cut down on the heaviness of winter foods and move towards summer feeling lighter and more balanced.

Equinox’s are a great time to reflect, retreat and ease yourself safely into the new spring vital energy…

Your detox guide Ilona Pantel is also a multi-level therapist, offering a holistic approach to supporting your Detox – which you can even do in the comfort and privacy of your own home.   So you can feel safely supported throughout, she ensures that you feel prepared and know what else to do – including to drink water, water, water, take walks in the beautiful sunshine, breathe in plenty of fresh oxygen and to take the necessary rest your body needs.

With the juice detox that MWellness provide, with Ilona as your guide and support for your cleansing journey, you can enjoy juices made from fresh local organic produce.  The green juices that make up the bulk of the programme have an alkalizing effect to help shift the pH value of your system back to the optimum near neutral position. Alkalising your system is important because it means it will work more efficiently, helping you metabolise fat, absorb nutrients as well as flushing toxins out.

Rebelancing your body and mind and helping you to enjoy a newfound equilibrium.

Make the natural transformation with our organic local fresh fruit and vegetable based detox programme. As well as alkalizing your system, you’ll flush out accumulated toxins from your body (as well as weight), cleanse your digestive system and recover some vital spring energy.

Contact us for detox details – or click here to read all about it.

Plus massages, reflexology, personal training and mind-detox life coaching all on offer to support your kick-start, enjoy the cleansing journey!

Written by the lovely James at MWellness Santa Eulalia – gym, spa and holistic health and fitness with a smile!