When was the last time you felt truly inspired?
Was it at work, when you were mind-mapping a new creative project, was it when you visited a gallery, heard a perfect piece of music, or found yourself spontaneously singing?
In – spir – ation – generates in – spired – actions – and thoughts, ideas and insights too!
When the inspired idea, the concept that follows can be interpreted and put into action, it feels good, exciting, inviting, compelling and your energy around it surges.
As if you are doing everything in good spirits, in harmony with spirit – almost as if you are being guided because it feels so naturally easy. Have you noticed that when you are feeling inspired, actions feel easier, effortless even?
Have you enjoyed that beautiful feeling of not having to push or try, because you are simply allowing – and enjoying allowing everything to happen in a natural flow? Rather than setting deadlines you are moving in rhythm with life – and in harmony with others who also feel inspired by your idea or concept.
These are not flukes nor winning streaks, you can access and reaccess this positive current of life energy, you simply need to take enough time to listen to yourself, your body, your inner-voice and guidance.
Why? To avoid becoming overwhelmed by have to’s and yes´s that are said just to maintain the status quo and keep other people happy. And if you feel stuck in a rut, burned out or are out of inspiration, get away from the computer, step back from the phone, turn off the blackberry, let the emails wait for an afternoon and do something spontaneous, something entirely different.
For inspiration mother nature is your best friend – the colour green is proven to calm the mind and open the heart and from your heart, your feelings, your creativity and expression can flow.
So enjoy the May-time inspirations as the warmth beckons you to enjoy more of the great outdoors, on rainy days seek alternative ways. Or join us on the White Island to dip back into your dreams and allow new visions to arise.
Start this Sunday with a guided minfullness meditation at Benniras beach. Want to take 5 days off and Just Stop ?